If you are planning a move in Surrey, White Rock or other BC Lower Mainland locations it can be so easy getting caught up in all the planning, paperwork and decision making that is involved. For all my clients with children I like to remind them that moving can be stressful and full of uncertainty when you’re young.

Involve Your Kids in Finding a New House

The best thing to do is be aware of your children’s feelings and have some ways to ease the transition of changing homes, neighborhoods, friends, parks and schools.  Here are some ideas on how to make moving easier on your children

Plan to Move During the Summer if Possible

Plan a family meeting and get everyone involved in writing your “wish list”. This can help your kids feel involved and can help them see the many benefits of moving, such as getting their own room or a bigger playroom! It also makes your children feel as if their opinion counts, even if a “big backyard with a tree fort, swing set and pool” doesn’t actually make the real wish list.

One of the biggest changes moving causes for children is having to change schools. Moving in between school years can reduce the stress significantly; it’s easier to start a new school in September when the classroom and teacher is new to everyone. Summertime also means that the weather is nicer and children tend to play outside more. This gives your kids a chance to meet new neighborhood kids and make new friends before heading back to school.

Take Your Kids to See the House

Admittedly taking your children to a number of open houses and private showings can become exhausting and more work than necessary. However, it’s a great idea to bring your kids to one or two houses you are seriously considering buying to get their point of view and help put some fears to rest. Better yet, include your kids in your online searches. Let them look at the pictures and get their insight into houses you are considering.

Let them Choose Their Room and Help Decorate

Once you have chosen a house let your child help pick out their room or come up with ideas for how to decorate and organize. Point out all the great things that will come out of it: they can fit both their bed and toy chest in the room, there will be room for a second bed for when friends sleep over, and so on.

Help Them Make a Memory Capsule of Your Old Home

If your children have already made a number of memories in your home why not make a memory capsule to help them remember all their friends, favorite play spots, old bedroom and even the kitchen and TV areas? Give your children a camera for a couple hours and let them take the pictures they want. Have your children write or draw their favorite memories. Years later they can look back at these pictures and notes and remember important parts of their childhood they otherwise may not remember.

Talk about kids’ objections to moving

If you feel that there is some resistance coming from your child towards moving try to figure out why they are feeling this way. Is their best friend making them feel guilty for moving? Are they worried about their new bedroom or where their toys will go? Are they concerned about losing their backyard, favorite tree and imaginary worlds? Are they anxious about making new friends or going to a new school? Talk through all of these concerns and help your child understand the truth. Most of all, make them feel secure and that you will always be there for them, regardless of where you live.

If you are looking for more ways to make moving easier for kids or for yourself please do not hesitate to call me at 778-316-4290. I would be more than happy to assist you with selling your current home in Surrey and other Greater Vancouver neighborhoods or with buying your future dream home for your family and children.